Mr. Jim’s Kidzz Christian TV Show Promo Follows Mr. Jim as he and his kidzz explore the world around us. Web video produced by Wild Visions, Inc...
Big Bull Elk is a video documentary about how elk shed their antlers in the late winter and immediately begin growing new and larger ones. These antlers are encased with...
This video documentary shows how mule deer bucks shed their antlers in late winter. They will start growing new ones immediately and the antlers can grow as much as...
Mike Pellegatti filmed this web video with over 4 dozen lightning strikes in the Arizona desert. Filmed over a 24 minute period in the same place, then condensed down...
The Skyraider is a kit built airplane for the aviation enthusiast. This web video was produced by Wild Visions, Inc...
This video documentary covers a year in the life of elk of North America. From births and calves, to the rut and fights between bulls, to winter survival, the viewer...
Smart Pet Tag utilizes QR codes and phone technology to alert owners of missing dogs when they are found. Video Production by Wild Visions, inc...